Pension Plans

AIMCo acts as an investment manager for the following public sector pension plans:


Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund (ATRF)

Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board administers the Teachers' Pension Plan for all Alberta teachers in school jurisdictions and charter schools and the Private School Teachers' Pension Plan for Alberta private school teachers who have elected to join the Plan.

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Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP)

LAPP members are employees of local authorities in Alberta including cities, towns, villages, municipal districts, hospitals, colleges, school boards and many other public service organizations. LAPP is the largest public sector pension plan in Alberta and our largest client.

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Management Employees Pension Plan (MEPP)

MEPP serves management-level employees of the Alberta provincial public service, approved agencies, boards and commissions.

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Management Supplementary Retirement (MSRP)

MSRP provides additional pension benefits to public service managers of designated employers who participate in MEPP and with an annual salary that exceeds the salary cap derived from the Defined Benefit Limit set under the federal Income Tax Act.

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Provincial Judges & Applications Judges Registered Pension Plan (JRPP)

The plan serves justices appointed under the Court of Justice Act and applications judges appointed under the Court of King’s Bench Act.

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Provincial Judges & Applications Judges Unregistered Pension Plan (JUPP)

JUPP provides additional pension benefits to JRPP members beyond the amount allowed for registered pension plans under the federal Income Tax Act.

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Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP)

PSPP provides retirement benefits to employees of the Government of Alberta, universities, colleges, provincial corporations and government boards, agencies and commissions.

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Special Forces Pension Plan (SFPP)

SFPP provides retirement benefits for police officers, chiefs and deputy chiefs of municipalities in Alberta, including Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Camrose, Lacombe and Taber.

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Universities Academic Pension Plan (UAPP)

UAPP serves the academic and professional staff of Alberta universities and Banff Centre.

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Endowment Funds

AIMCo manages the investments for several endowment funds including the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, seen as a pioneer among sovereign wealth funds. These funds have long time horizons and have been established to provide long-term savings as well as financing for medical research, academic scholarships, science and engineering.

Insurance Funds

AIMCo manages the investments for several insurance-related funds on behalf of provincial arms-length organizations including Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta, Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and Agricultural Financial Services Corporation. These funds are invested with an emphasis on stability and preservation of capital.

Government Funds

AIMCo manages many key government assets used to fund the ongoing operations of the Province. These funds have a lower risk tolerance to market fluctuations, reduced risk relative to pension or endowment clients. They are invested in fixed income products for stability, liquidity and preservation of capital and have a commensurately lower return expectation.

Specialty Funds

AIMCo manages the assets for select specialty funds, including some provincial arms-length organizations, which have unique objectives. Each of these organizations aims to achieve a very specific mandate and we work closely with them to understand their needs and execute accordingly.

Client Account List

As of December 31, 2023

Balanced Funds

Endowment Funds

  1. Heritage Medical Research

  2. Heritage Savings Trust

  3. Heritage Scholarship Trust

  4. Heritage for Science and Engineering

Pension Plans

  1. Alberta Teachers' Retirement

  2. Judges

  3. Judges Supplementary Retirement

  4. Local Authorities

  5. Management Employees

  6. Management Supplementary Retirement

  7. Public Service

  8. Special Forces

Other Balanced Funds

  1. Long Term Disability Bargaining Unit

  2. Long Term Disability Management

Government Funds &
Specialty Funds

Government Funds

  1. Alberta Risk Management Fund

  2. A.L. Sifton Estate

  3. Cash Reserve Account

  4. General Revenue

  5. Unclaimed Property Fund

Specialty Funds

  1. Agriculture Crop Insurance

  2. AIMCo Retirement Compensation Arrangement Fund

  3. Alberta Health Services

  4. Credit Union Deposit Guarantee

  5. Special Areas Long Term Account

  6. Universities Academic

  7. Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta

“It’s my job to ensure my family and friends have financial security.”

Our purpose — and broad community connections — inspire Anthony Patenaude in his work every day.